Blueberry Flavor TPD Vape Pen Produsen

Pabrik kita nyedhiyakake vape 800 puff, vape 1000-1500 puff, vape 1600-3500 puff, lsp. Desain ekstrem, bahan mentah kualitas, kinerja dhuwur lan rega sing kompetitif yaiku sing dikarepake saben pelanggan, lan uga sing bisa ditawakake. We njupuk kualitas dhuwur, rega cukup lan layanan sampurna.

Produk Panas

  • Piranti Pod Disposable 0mg Nikotin saka Ipure E-cair

    Piranti Pod Disposable 0mg Nikotin saka Ipure E-cair

    APLUS nyedhiyakake layanan OEM&ODM kanggo nggawe Piranti Pod Disposable 0mg Nikotin Ipure E-cair kanggo pasar Eropa. Perusahaan kita bisa nulungi klien kanggo nglamar sertifikat TPD. TPD mbutuhake tank lenga ngemot maksimal 2ml e-cair; Kudu duwe ECID lan didaftar ing situs web MHRA; Teka karo label peringatan sing nyatakake: Produk iki ngandhut nikotin sing minangka zat sing gawe ketagihan.
  • Disposable vape 2500puffs karo baterei kobalt 850mah

    Disposable vape 2500puffs karo baterei kobalt 850mah

    APLUS VAPE minangka pabrik vape OEM sing wis entuk Lisensi Manufaktur Tembakau lan kita bisa nyedhiyakake layanan saka Desain, Prototipe, Produksi massal kanggo vape sekali pakai, sistem pod panggantos lan pods. Ing ngisor iki, kita pengin menehi 2500puffs vape Disposable kanthi cairan 850mah 6ml kanggo sampeyan, kita bisa nyedhiyakake piranti kosong lan klien ngisi cairan kasebut dhewe.
  • UK Hot Sade TPD 600 Puffs Vape Pen

    UK Hot Sade TPD 600 Puffs Vape Pen

    APLUS nyedhiyakake layanan OEM & ODM kanggo manufaktur UK Hot Selling TPD 600 Puffs Vape Pen kanggo klien kita miturut spesifikasi. Tangki minyak persetujuan TPD ngemot maksimal 2ml e-cair; Kudu duwe ECID lan didaftar ing situs web MHRA; Teka karo label peringatan sing nyatakake: Produk iki ngandhut nikotin sing minangka zat sing gawe ketagihan.
  • Kantong Nikotin Ruby Berry

    Kantong Nikotin Ruby Berry

    APLUS khusus nggawe kantong nikotin bebas rokok kanthi kekuatan nikotin beda-beda 4mg, 6mg, 8mg, 10mg, 12mg, 14mg, 16mg, 18mg, 20mg ing China. Kanthi mesin canggih lan tuku bahan mentah saka Jerman, saben unit kantong nikotin rubyberry sing digawe liwat tes sing ketat lan netepi kualitas & keamanan standar.
  • Pod sing bisa diisi ulang kompatibel karo piranti Relx

    Pod sing bisa diisi ulang kompatibel karo piranti Relx

    For meeting different clients demand, APLUS provide Refillable pod compatible with Relx device and clients could fill liquid mix with THC liquid in their own countries.APLUS is professional for design and manufacture high-quality pods including prefilled pod and refilled pod for the client from all over the world. Furthermore, we provide custom made cartridges with printing clients’ brand and supply customized packaging box according to client’s requirement. With 34 production lines and automated production lines, our factory can produce 400,000 pods per day. Not only we can supply pods to the client, but also can provide the device to the client. We can supply the pod compatible with Relx device and Yooz device.
  • Slim Pen 510 Baterei Utas karo Pangisi daya USB

    Slim Pen 510 Baterei Utas karo Pangisi daya USB

    APLUS bisa nyedhiyakake layanan OEM kanggo nggawe Baterei Slim Pen 510 Thread kanthi Pengisi Daya USB. Ora mung perusahaan kita bisa ngrancang Baterei Benang CBD 510 nganggo Pengisi Daya USB, nanging uga mbantu para klien ngrancang paket miturut gaya favorit pelanggan. CBD

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