Brazil Ancam Denda kanggo Pengecer produk Vaping


Kamentrian kehakiman Brasil minggu kepungkur mrentahake 32 pengecer ing negara kasebut supaya mandheg adol produk vape utawa denda saben dinane. Perusahaan kasebut diwenehi 48 jam kanggo netepi.

Pesenan kasebut diterbitake ing Warta Resmi negara 1 September. Para pengecer kena denda saben dina 5.000 real Brasil (udakara $969 AS) yen ora nglirwakake pesenan saka kementerian kehakiman.

Ancaman kasebut kedadeyan kurang saka rong wulan sawise regulator panganan lan obat-obatan negara Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)dikonfirmasi posisi sing negara kudu njaga larangan ana on vaping products.

Brazil diadopsi alarangan vape in 2009, but the rules are regularly ignored, with vapes widely available both in stores and online. Apparently even major retail outlets flout the country’s rules. Miturut Laporan Brasil, salah siji saka coperusahaan sing dijenengi ing pesenan kementerian kehakiman yaiku Carrefour sing diduweni Prancis, sing ngoperasikake rantai supermarket paling gedhe ing Brasil kanthi luwih saka 1.000 toko.

Kamentrian Kehakiman lan Keamanan Umum Brasil ngetokake arelease penet Sept. 1, describing the action as a “precautionary measure.” According to the release, the country’s consumer agency SENACON “assessed the need to take urgent measures to remedy the problem and protect the health and safety of consumers.”

Udakara 20 yuta wong Brasil ngrokok rokok, sing sah kanggo adol. Brazil minangka negara prodhuksi tembakau paling gedhé nomer loro (sawise China) ing donya.

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